22.09.2022 (Ningani) khan Information and Public Relations Department-a records an vawn dan leh enkawl dante enin Pu Lalmuanpuia, Archivist leh Tv. C. Lalmuanpuia, Chemist-II te chu an feh chhuak a, Pi Lalnunmawii, Deputy Director hoin an record neihte leh enkawl dante sawiho a ni a; digitization hna an kalpui dante enin hmasawnna turte sawiho a ni.

23.09.2022 (Zirtawpni) khan Economics and Statistics Department tlawhin Pu Lalhmingthanga Ngente, Superintendent leh Pi B. Vanlalruati, Deputy Director te nen The Mizoram Public Records Act, 2011 leh The Mizoram Public Records Rules, 2014 chungchangte leh heng Act leh Rules hnuaia Department mawhphurhnate sawiho a ni.

The Mizoram Public Records Act, 2011 leh The Mizoram Public Records Rules, 2014 hian Sawrkar hnuaia Department leh Office tin ten Records Officer (Superintendent aia hniam lo) an ruat ngei tur a ni a; Records Officer hian Records Room-a records dah luh leh lak chhuah, Archives-a transfer leh records tangkai tawh lo tihchhiat thlengin mawhphurhna a nei a ni.